Breathe in the microbes, they are good for you! Every single day we take a breath on average 12 times per minute. We allow oxygen, nitrogen, dust, pollen, and who knows what else into our body’s via our breath. Little do we think about it, thanks to our brain putting it on automation. For every 1440 breaths each day, we are bringing change to our microbiome. Thousands of microbes floating in our breathing orifices. Unfortunately,
The microbiome relies on quality sleep and synced circadian rhythms to perform optimally.
It’s starting to sink in. You have read “12 Signs Your Flora is F*cked” and “5 Tell Tale Signs You Need to Get Your Shit Together” and noticed your head nodding back and fourth. It’s ok, I’ve been there. The amazing thing to think about is that there are many of us who have recovered. I might have done it the most ass-backward way possible, but somehow I’m getting there. I’m here to tell you don’t make the same
It happens for most of us once a day. Some of us more, some less. I’m talking about a trip to the porcelain throne. For me, its a daily science experiment to see how well my microbes are working. Yeah, that’s when you know you’re obsessed with gut health. The toilet bowl is the eye to our guts. Paying attention to your stools is a good indicator on what exactly is or isn’t happening in your gut.
In my previous post, I discussed how not only our mother’s diet played a major role in formulating our gut flora, but also the oral flora was found in the placenta of newborns. This had me thinking about gum disease and the correlation to our guts. For those of us who visit the dentist every 6 months to get scraped and prodded (my fav) we either leave there bloodied and miserable or chippier and smiley. For
Your body likes to give you signs when you might be having issues. Usually, we like to blow them off and expect them to turn around. Maybe they will. What happens when they don’t? If you have these chronic conditions it may be time to check in with a doctor to sort these out. 1. Bloating After having a hearty meal, especially after a bit of overindulgence, you might have to loosen the belt buckle.